That's the question you're probably (not) asking right now.What this is is a crossover between Sailormoon and Star Wars. (duh.) It is created and written round robin style by three sparkling (heh) individuals, Neko, Kyoko, and Betta (aka Jaina, Lucrecia, and Ludia respectively). The idea was birthed around summer/fall '98 by Kyoko. It originally was just a joke, a parody of our Star Wars world (which is huge and sprawling), but last summer it turned into something a bit (=P) bigger. I like to think it's still something of a parody, as well, though we're not making fun of fanfiction or the series or anything; it just has a healthy dose of humor involved.
It is not, however, set in the time of the Star Wars movies. In this, Luke is married (TO EVEONA REI ORONO!!! ::deep cleansing breaths::) and has two twins (guess who), both of whom are heirs to an entire cluster of planets and who have great Jedi potential and all of that (they're also hopeless clutzes, but let's not get into that). He also has a daughter named Alexus (who was the product of the twins and Jaina's worlds merging --;). Han and Leia have twins, too (who would have guessed? =P), Jacen and Jaina Solo.
We basically crossed our with the storylines in the books-- if you've read them, you'll probably understand this much better (and recognize a few of the characters we've used ^_^). However, I imagine you can get by if you have no exposure to them.
Anyway, we do this because we love to write, and the things we come up with are very amusing, to us, anyway. ^_^ We have a whole lot of fun with it. Since we seem to have gotten a small gathering of fans, and we probably won't have the heart to just drop our characters, we're probably going to follow through with this to the very end.
Oh yes, and Ifrit would like to mention that Ruby is the mascot. (Actually, ifrit's the mascot, but we like to humor him.)
So, go ahead and browse around, and note that we are not responsible for insanity due to viewing this page. Have fun!
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